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  • National palm oil policy dialogue (Yaoundé, Cameroon, 21-23 February 2018)

National palm oil policy dialogue (Yaoundé, Cameroon, 21-23 February 2018)

The OPAL team in Cameroon organized a National Palm Oil Policy Dialogue to leverage policy towards sustainable palm oil development in Cameroon. The three-day workshop was organized under the auspices of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development (MINADER) under the theme ‘Sustainable Palm Oil Development in Cameroon: Investing in a sustainable future for people and nature’. It brought together diverse stakeholders working in the sectors. Representatives came from the Government (MINADER, MINDCAF, MINEPAT, MINEPDED); programmes (PDPV and AVC-DP); the agro-industries (CDC, SOCAPALM, SGSOC, Mukete Estates and Green Valley); palm oil smallholder cooperatives (Bamusso, Eseka and Tiko); civil society (CED, RELUFA, APED, EGI), research and universities (IRAD, Universities of Yaoundé I, Buea and Douala) and international organizations (WWF, PROFOREST). The outcome of this was the adoption of principles (Focused on Economic viability, Environmental sustainability of the sector, enhancing good governance and improving social cohesion in the sector) to guide the sustainable development of palm oil in Cameroon. The full report of the workshop is available here (in French only).

​This event was largely covered by the media:

  • Interview of OPAL partner Durrel Halleson (policy coordinator, WWF Cameroon) on Equinox News
  • Interview of WWF International palm oil lead, Elizabeth Clarke and Durrel Halleson on Canal English
  • Equinox tv report on Oil palm development in Cameroon
  • Article published in Cameroun Info Net
  • Other articles in the local press.

The OPAL Project was funded by:
Project Consortium:

Oil Palm Adaptive Landscapes (OPAL)
c/o Prof. Jaboury Ghazoul
Chair of Ecosystem Management
Department of Environmental System Sciences
ETH Zurich
Universitätstrasse 16
8092 Zürich

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