
Our models presented at the German Forum for Sustainable Palm Oil (Berlin)

The OPAL team was invited by the German Forum für nachhaltiges Palmöl (FONAP) to demonstrate our tools and methods during a one-day workshop in Berlin. Nearly 20 people from Ferrero, industrial bakeries, Borneo Orangutan Survival, WWF Germany, GIZ, Federal Department for Envi-ronment, journalists and other NGOs dealing with sustainability. We played La Cuenca game and […]


Forum the future of palm oil (ETH Zurich)

The OPAL Swiss Team co-organized with the Embassy of Indonesia a large event in April 2019 at ETH Zurich to discuss the future of oil palm using the models developed in the three countries where we work. The event was attended by a group of Indonesian delegates and Swiss stake-holders, including the State Secretariat for […]


Journalist training in Cameroon

To help journalists in Cameroon gain a better understanding of the country’s palm oil value chain, OPAL’s Cameroon team organized a two-day training workshop in Douala, Cameroon in September 2018, where journalists played the CoPalCam game. By increasing their understanding, this workshop aimed for journalists to be able to write articles of better quality on […]


OPAL Newsletter n°9

Download the Newsletter 9 to learn more about the project news and activities from May to September 2018. All other project Newsletters are available under


Four new publications within a month

FindGuillaume, T., Kotowska, M., Hertel, D., Knohl, A., Krashevska, V., Murtilaksono, K., Scheu, S. and Kuzyakov, Y. (2018) Carbon costs and benefits of Indonesian rainforest conversion to plantations. Nature Communications volume 9 2388. ​ Ocampo-Peñuela, N., Garcia-Ulloa, J., Ghazoul, J. and Etter, A. (2018). Quantifying impacts of oil palm expansion on Colombia’s threatened biodiversity. Biological Conservation 224, 117–121. […]


OPAL games in action at the Latsis Symposium

On 9 June 2018, two of OPAL’s games were put into action at the public events of the Latsis Symposium 2018 – ‘Scaling-up Forest Restoration’ – the German-language version of the CoPalCam game, aimed at school-aged children, and ComMoDo (short for COMpanion MOdelling in InDOnesia), a game developed by ETH Zürich PhD student Nur Hasanah. […]


OPAL newsletter n°8

Read our project news updates from December 2017 to May 2018 in our OPAL newsletters, available here.


Palm oil diplomacy at a crossroads

The palm oil debate between Europe and Indonesia has reached a crossroads, where the path taken could lead to opportunity or disaster. Negotiators and politicians in both regions have a responsibility to millions of producers and consumers of palm oil to take the right path. Indonesia is the world’s top palm oil producer, accounting for […]


National palm oil policy dialogue (Yaoundé, Cameroon, 21-23 February 2018)

The OPAL team in Cameroon organized a National Palm Oil Policy Dialogue to leverage policy towards sustainable palm oil development in Cameroon. The three-day workshop was organized under the auspices of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development (MINADER) under the theme ‘Sustainable Palm Oil Development in Cameroon: Investing in a sustainable future for people […]


Game sessions and workshop with local policy makers in Indonesia

OPAL has won the trust of local policy makers in Kutai Kartanegara district, East Kalimantan, where three game sessions and one workshop were organized in October and December 2017, with the help of CIFOR. ​The Indonesian game ComMoDo (short for COMpanion MOdelling in InDOnesia), developed by Nur Hasanah, PhD student of ETH Zurich was played […]


The OPAL Project was funded by:
Project Consortium:

Oil Palm Adaptive Landscapes (OPAL)
c/o Prof. Jaboury Ghazoul
Chair of Ecosystem Management
Department of Environmental System Sciences
ETH Zurich
Universitätstrasse 16
8092 Zürich

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